We loved the experience, and did it again the following year.
Though we haven't quite made it an annual tradition, when I saw May 1st fell on a Saturday this year, Mel and I committed to passing out flowers again this year. Jenny joined us this year.
Mel and I took the streetcar to the market. It was her first time riding it.
We went to the market and decided to buy tulips. We found a vendor where you got 30 (beautiful) tulips for about $20.
We each bought a bouquet.
We left the market and headed towards Westlake Park. Obviously, a Saturday downtown had many more people than upper Queen Anne had several years before. We proceeded to hand out flowers to strangers. A simple, "Happy May day!"
A few people reacted in a confused manor. There are some who turned us down. But for the most part, people smiled and said thank you. And that was that.
Yesterday was a busy day at Westlake Park. There were some very aggressive and judgemental evangelicals, some anti-war protesters, a marijuana-legalization march, and people were gathering for an immigration rally.
On a busy day like this, it was refreshing to be out there with no agenda, other than to make people smile. To wake someone up, for just a brief moment, from their routine. To give freely, without expectation.
LOVE IT! I used to do this for the girls on my wings at PLU, people thought I was a little nuts. Keep it up. *grin*